American Beverage's Commitment to Our
Military Men & Women

Ol' Glory & the Army National Guard
Don Sessions, the owner of the Ol' Glory brand, established a strong relationship with the Oklahoma unit of the Army National guard in 2004 when the Oklahoma National Guard unit was called to serve in Iraq. Ol' Glory's support of the Army National Guard remains strong today, as witnessed by the Go Army National Guard banner at the top of each Ol' Glory can. In light of Ol' Glory's tradition of supporting our military in Oklahoma, American Beverage will expand Ol' Glory support of the men and women who serve in the military on a national scale.

American Beverage & Operation Homefront
Printed on the side panel of each Ol' Glory can is the statement "Ol' Glory contributes a portion of its sales to support the families of the men and women who serve our country." This refers to American Beverage's commitment to donate funds to Operation Homefront, a volunteer organization, which provides emergency assistance and morale to our troops, to the families they leave behind and to wounded warriors when they return home. A non-profit 501 © (3), Operation Homefront leads more than 4,500 volunteers in 30 chapters nationwide and has provided critical assistance to more than 45,000 military wives and women in need.

Ol' Glory Distributors & Their Retailers
By becoming an Ol' Glory distributor, your daily sales efforts can make a positive impact on your bottom line as well as demonstrate your support for the people in your community who serve our country and may benefit from the volunteer efforts of Operation Homefront. Your organization will also have the opportunity to work with retailers and Operation Homefront to create grass roots programs and events, increasing Ol' Glory brand awareness and positively impacting the military families who reside in the communities served by their stores and your distributorship.

Please visit to learn how Operation Homefront provides aid to families struggling not only with emergencies but also with the problems of everyday life. The list of their programs is extensive, and most likely impact some one you, or one of your employees, know.